Since 1956

Drenthe Growers BV originated in 1956 and was founded by Bé de Vries, a peat labourer’s son. In  the 50s, the municipality was busy developing the agricultural sector in Drenthe. This was done due to the decline of peat cutting and the necessity to create new jobs. Bé de Vries, who had learned the trade in Twente, saw this as an opportunity to become a commercial agriculturalist. Because the project was developed to provide opportunities to people from the West of the Netherlands, Bé did not qualify. The municipality, however, couldn’t find any takers for the corner location.  And that’s how Bé ended up with a piece of land after all. 

Being a small, commercial agriculturist,  Bé de Vries has always cultivated all sorts of vegetables and flowers. He has also imparted his trade on his children.

In 1980, Koos de Vries and his father decided to continue in a partnership. A drastic scaling-up followed in the years after that. From 1 hectare to 2 hectares then on to 4  and 8 hectares to subsequently end at 18 hectares of glasshouse cucumber cultivation in 2020. An important development at the beginning of the 80s was the switch to cultivation on substrate. This meant that the cucumber plants were no longer cultivated in the ground but on substrate which improved the controllability of cultivation.

Like any other real family company, Drenthe Growers BV aims for continuity. Continuous innovation, keeping up with the latest developments and maintaining a healthy company is of vital importance.  This enables the next generation to grow and flourish as well!




De Vries Senior start his own company at the Tuinderslaan. He started his career by cultivating various vegetables and flowers in the ground and under flat glass.glas.


In 1980 Koos de Vries and his father continue the company in the form of a partnership. A drastic scaling-up followed in the years after that.


In 2007: Construction of a new greenhouse and sorting centre. 2011.


Like any real family company Drenthe Growers aims for continuity


Continuous innovation, keeping up with the latest developments and maintaining a healthy company is of vital importance. This enables the next generation to grow and flourish as well!!

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